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‚ancillary system (AS)‘ means a system managed by an entity that is subject to supervision and/or oversight by a competent authority and complies with the oversight requirements for the location of infrastructures offering services in euro, as amended from time to time and published on the ECB website, in which payments and/or financial instruments are exchanged and/or cleared while the resulting monetary obligations are settled in TARGET2 in accordance with Guideline ECB/2007/2 and a bilateral arrangement between the ancillary system and the relevant CB,“ancillary system (AS)” means a system managed by an entity that is subject to supervision and/or oversight by a competent authority and complies with the oversight requirements for the location of infrastructures offering services in euro, as amended from time to time and published on the ECB website, in which payments and/or financial instruments are exchanged and/or cleared while the resulting monetary obligations are settled in Target2 in accordance with Guideline ECB/2007/2 and a bilateral arrangement between the ancillary system and the relevant CB,

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OECD, Paris, 1981, Test Guideline 201, Decision of the Council C(81) 30 final.OECD, Paris, 1981, Test Guideline 201, Decision of the Council C(81) 30 Final.

Übersetzung bestätigt

Klein (1991). Sorption of nonpolar and polar compounds to soils: Processes, measurements and experience with the applicability of the modified OECD Guideline 106, Chemosphere, 22, pp. 285-304.Klein (1991). Sorption of nonpolar and polar compounds to soils: Processes, measurements and experience with the applicability of the modified OECD Guideline 106, Chemosphere, 22, pp. 285-304.

Übersetzung bestätigt

Paris, 1992, Test Guideline 210, Fish. Early-life Stage Toxicity Test.1992, Test Guideline 210, «Fish. Early-life Stage Toxicity Test».

Übersetzung bestätigt

OECD, Paris, 1981, Test Guideline 302 A, Beschluss des Rates C(81)30 endg.ΟΟΣΑ, Παρίσι, 1982, Test Guideline 302 A, απόφαση του Συμβουλίου C(81) 30 τελικό.

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