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[Residue from the distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil (from bituminous coal tar and pyrolysis residual oils) with a boiling range of 240 oC to 260 oC (464oF to 500oF). | [Residue from the distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil (from bituminous coal tar and pyrolysis residual oils) with a boiling range of 240 oC to 260 oC (464oF to 500oF). Übersetzung bestätigt |
[The redistillate from the fractional distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil obtained from bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils boiling in the approximate range of 220 oC to 230 oC (428oF to 446oF). | [The redistillate from the fractional distillation of dephenolated and debased methylnaphthalene oil obtained from bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils boiling in the approximate range of 220 oC to 230 oC (428oF to 446oF). Übersetzung bestätigt |
[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils and boiling in the range of approximately 190 oC to 270 oC (374oF to 518oF). | [The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of bituminous coal high temperature tar and pyrolysis residual oils and boiling in the range of approximately 190 oC to 270 oC (374oF to 518oF). Übersetzung bestätigt |
Restlaufzeit (residual maturity): Verbleibende Laufzeit bis zur Fälligkeit eines Schuldtitels. | Ως «ηλεκτρονικό χρήμα» νοείται χρηματική αξία που αντιστοιχεί σε απαίτηση κατά του εκδότη και: (α) αποθηκεύεται σε ηλεκτρονικό μέσο, (β) εκδίδεται έναντι εισπράξεως κεφαλαίων τουλάχιστον ισόποσων με την εκδοθείσα χρηματική αξία και γ) γίνεται δεκτή ως μέσο πληρωμής από άλλες επιχειρήσεις εκτός από τον φορέα που την εκδίδει. Übersetzung bestätigt |
Alle übrigen (residual) | Λοιπές (υπολειπόμενο) Übersetzung bestätigt |
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